What is flexible packaging? Flexible packaging is made from paper, plastic, film, foil, or a combination of these materials. They include bags, pouches, labels, inserts, envelopes, rolls, and other flexible products. They protect products up to and during use. Because of their airtight nature, they can protect food and products better than the previous packaging while using less material.
Flexible packaging is more durable. Their production uses fewer fossil fuels, emits fewer greenhouse gases, and uses less water. Because of their design, they are more efficient to ship in bulk, requiring fewer trucks and less energy. Flexible packaging protects products and helps reduce food waste. For example, when bananas are packaged in flexible packaging, their shelf life increases from 5 to 36 days! Because it is lightweight, less material is used and less packaging ends up in landfills. Currently, at least 50% of flexible packaging can be recycled. To find out which packaging can be recycled in your area, check out the TerraCycle database. Flexible packaging can help us achieve sustainability in many ways.
I love flexible packaging for travel! Let’s face it, when we travel by car, plane, or foot, the main concern is the weight of our luggage. Soft packs reduce the volume and therefore the weight. They are easy to handle! They often have a convenient size and are resealable. When traveling, I pay particular attention to this type of packaging. Finally, they are readily available. You’ve probably seen these packages before without realizing it. Brands like Nature Valley™, StarKist®, Purely Elizabeth, Method, SKIPPY, etc. are some of the brands I’ve personally used. And I didn’t know they used flexible packaging until today!
When making purchasing decisions for home and travel, I try to make the best choices for my home while doing what’s best for the environment. Using less plastic is a big factor, but so is the consumption of fossil fuels in manufacturing and transportation, food waste, and environmental impact. With that in mind, I’m looking for flexible packaging for my home and for our travels.
Thank you for reading! Coco n Deals